I’m on my way to Penguicon, and stopped for a quick snack at a McDonald’s somewhere between Toledo and Detroit. And to use the facilities. I’m finishing up, […]
If you tried to comment and couldn’t…
Big thanks to pal Edward, who pointed out that the G+ commenting system wasn’t letting anyone (including me!) post comments directly on the blog. No idea why, but […]
DAAAYUM SON: The possibility of the human race in two commercials.
Watch these two commercials. Just… just do it, okay? (Originally noted from here) Think on this: If a bloody marketing ad agency gets this… Well, then there’s still […]
My Most Used Android Apps – What Are Yours?
I’ve had to give out recommendations for apps for Android tablets three times now since Christmas, so I thought I’d just write up what I consider some “must-have” […]
Problems Loading Crashplan GUI in Debian Jessie (or GNOME 3) on Linux
I use Crashplan now for my backup provider, and ran into a small snag while upgrading to Debian Jessie (I also use Crunchbang #!, and yes, that’s all […]
Some site tweakings
I made two significant changes to the websites this week: 1. I added a thing that rotates between the book covers on the Alliteration Ink site in the […]