Trigger warnings for discussion of suicide and self harm
Mental Healthcare Is Even Harder To Get Than Regular Healthcare
Mental healthcare is not only difficult to get, but insurance companies are making it harder.
Why I Think Writing About My Problems (And How I Work On Them) Is Important
I frequently write and talk about things that are happening to me, or that I’m wrestling with.
Write what you know, right?
Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay, in multiple formats.
As someone who has talked about their own suicidal thoughts in the past (whether about how hard it can be to talk about suicidal thoughts, or how people […]
I listen to them snicker.
I wrote this in 1999 while I was still active duty, where it was published (though slightly edited) for the base newspaper at Fort Leonard Wood. I listen […]
Your chance to play advice columnist: How do you tell people you’re feeling suicidal?
Over the rest of the week, I’m going to talk about both my own state and the fallout of me talking candidly about my suicidal feelings. Owning my […]