You do not always have to reward the people who do more. You always have to avoid rewarding the people who do less.
You might be a racist if…
I’ve long said that the easiest way to tell if a joke or statement is “ist” (racist, sexist) is to substitute another category and see how cringe-worthy it […]
You’re not you – unless you are.
It’s the interactions between “mind” and “body” that are, in a very real sense, “you”.
Not distraction, abstraction
TEH TUBES OF THE INTERNETS ARE MAKING TEH CHILRENS STUPIDZ! It’s a pretty common refrain. It’s even hit the webcomics scene with this Joy of Tech cartoon. The […]
Who pats down the TSA?
I’m hyper-efficient. When I fly (or go through metal detectors), I typically have everything pre-packed into coats and bags so they could go through the x-ray. I have […]
Corporate Podpeople
One of the most mind-bending scenes in Accelerando is when the protagonists are beset by rogue corporations. Yes, I mean the actual corporation as an independent identity. Not […]