When I walk out of work, my cell phone is able to connect to the network again, and I suddenly get a bunch of tweets. This makes for […]
Accurate and Unhelpful
I have to keep posting this every so often: Racism, sexism, heterosexism, and so on do not have to be deliberate. It’s a problem, because the actions and […]
Breaking the Ice
I hate icebreakers. There’s the “getting to know you” type. First, there’s the problem of those who hate talking (or love talking) about themselves. Further, after the first […]
Vampires, Belinda, and Pedophiles oh My!
No, I don’t mean the one with sparkling vampires (well, okay, I’ll get there eventually). The one that was on sale at Amazon that advocated pedophilia. (Background) In […]
Restless Legs Suck Ass
I’m one of the (approximately) 10% of people with restless legs syndrome who experience it as pain, and that’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.
Suicide and Screaming
When I was fifteen, I stopped my girlfriend from committing suicide. She was a few years older than me. I don’t remember much about the relationship, really. I […]