It’s the interactions between “mind” and “body” that are, in a very real sense, “you”.
Not distraction, abstraction
TEH TUBES OF THE INTERNETS ARE MAKING TEH CHILRENS STUPIDZ! It’s a pretty common refrain. It’s even hit the webcomics scene with this Joy of Tech cartoon. The […]
Who pats down the TSA?
I’m hyper-efficient. When I fly (or go through metal detectors), I typically have everything pre-packed into coats and bags so they could go through the x-ray. I have […]
It isn’t you, it’s me.
Because the times are (probably) necessitating it: I will frequently go on about things that I’ve talked about in real life here on the blog. Some of those […]
Newsflash: Don’t be a dumbass with cops
[Edit: I wrote this before all the TSA kerfluffle. I think this is an interesting counterpoint; before you slam or praise, ask yourself what the differences are between […]
Getting Frothy
There’s something about the 700 Club that makes me frothy. (And I don’t mean the Pat Robertson bits – I mean the “news” bits.) Oh yes, that’s right. […]