No, this isn’t about podcast-worthy serial killers… but the case is ongoing.
republicans / science / science fiction / society / sociology
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Going Down Some Rabbit Holes With Natural Experiments, Mind Viruses, And Simulated Universes.
Everything is awful, so let’s go down the philosophical rabbit hole and take another look at philosophical zombies, mind viruses, testable hypotheses, and how that relates to the idea that the universe is a simulation.
science / sociology
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Strawberry Festivals, Treadmill Clothesracks, And Research: When The Claims Don’t Match The Study
Some signs of bad science reporting (and bad science), with examples.
philosophy / science
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When Randomness Is Not Random (But Still Is Random)
The world is deeply, deeply *strange*.
And you can hold that strangeness in the palm of your hand.
business / health / science
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You Can’t Just Measure When Things Are Going Wrong
Measuring things quietly in the background can have a huge impact in your productivity and quality of life.
science / sociology
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Numbers, Honesty, And Surveys
So there’s this thing called “Benford’s Law” – and I think that it might be super useful in determining when people aren’t completely honest in survey research.