I was going to try for something witty, or snarky. But I just can’t. I don’t want to make fun of this guy. This guy? Pope Francis? Actually […]
Just have a good day, dammit.
It bothers me, grating on my nerves. Especially on business calls. “Have a blessed day.” It’s not the intention behind it. I imagine that most who say it […]
Writing the Other: Taking a Lesson from Les blanches exotiques
I’ve been following Les blanches exotiques for a few weeks now. It’s usually hilarious (to me) because it’s so damn spot-on. It also flips the discrimination narrative in […]
The opening salvoes in the fight to make Church law trump civil law
When the RCC as an organization (and I’m especially looking at the Knights of Columbus here) will loudly remember the anti-abortion aspects of “pro-life” and conveniently forget the pacifism and rejection of the death penalty that are *also* pro-life, then the precedent for hypocrisy is already set. When anyone calling themselves pro-life only cares about abortion, they’re already picking and choosing.
Rapture: The Easy Way Out
There’s a long history of apocalyptic, millennial beliefs in Christian thought – including the Rapture. It’s not surprising that so many buy into end-of-the-world predictions; it’s surprising how […]
jesus christ and doctor who walk into a bar
Warnings: Mild spoiler for S4 Doctor Who, possible thematic spoilers S6E1. Contains themes that are probably blasphemous to a bunch of people, but that’s their problem. These get […]