It bothers me, grating on my nerves. Especially on business calls.
“Have a blessed day.”
It’s not the intention behind it. I imagine that most who say it are simply wishing me well.
It is the presumption.
The presumption that I am of the same faith (or any faith), and that it’s okay to bless a stranger who might be of a different (or no) faith.
Would the same people be cool if I told them I prayed to Mary on their behalf? If I asked the Goddess to rain good fortune on them? If I asked for Allah’s blessing?
Honestly, when it comes to individuals, it’s a personal choice. Do what you like.
When you’re running a business, even if it doesn’t bother me personally, it tells me that you’re willing to alienate your customers in order to satisfy your own personal religious agenda.
What do you all think? Overreaction on my part? Totally rational?