When “physical touch” gets called “libido”, a whole different set of assumptions and judgements gets pulled into the mix.
communication / relationships
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Weasels In Disguise
“Are you actually saying that you want a live elephant to eat salmon from my anus?” might be a legitimate question sometimes…
relationships / society
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Men: Don’t Hit On The Person Behind The Register
TL;DR: It’s a bad idea. Seriously. Here’s why.
advice / relationships
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People Are Not Problems, Focus on Fixing the Problem Instead
Remember that it’s you and those you love against the problem, not against each other.
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Toxic Relationships Don’t Just Exist At Home
We almost never talk about the often-subtle toxic work relationships, even though these are the relationships that dominate most of our lives.
advice / relationships
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Good Boundaries Free You
A boundary only states what you are willing to do. The other person can do whatever they like. You’re simply controlling your own body and destiny.