Activate interlock! Weaseltherms connected! Weaselcells up! Mega thrusters are go! LET’S GO BRAIN WEASEL FORCE!
advice / relationships
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Don’t Assume the Price of Admission (And Importance) of Your Relationships
If you don’t look at all your expectations and “prices of admission” in a relationship, you’re going to get hurt.
depression / mental health / relationships / self-confidence
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The Self-Reinforcing Looping Brain Weasel
I had (have) a dangerous thing: A brain weasel that rationalizes away the truth.
advice / relationships
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We Can Hurt the Ones We Love When Recovering From Abuse
When recovering from abuse – particularly abuse from someone using narcissistic techniques – it’s common for the recovering person to end up hurting the people who are in the healthiest relationships with them.
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Stumbling Away From The Relationship Escalator
There isn’t an easy guide if you step away from the “default”. But it can be a worthwhile path.
advice / relationships
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They Want You To Think You’re Alone. You’re Not.
Abusers don’t just thrive on physical isolation. They train you to isolate yourself.