I’ve often told people that political correctness is a reaction to people being impolite, little more. But it’s still worthwhile, I’d say, and being done for all the […]
Humor – a little teaspoon of equality at a time
Things have changed for women in my lifetime. You just have to look at the humor. When I was growing up, blonde jokes were everywhere. Let’s be clear […]
Tired (not) Stalker Goodness
It’s a tiring sort of day, and though I have a few topics I’d like to cover, I simply don’t have the energy for it. So, a few […]
Where I slam it in the car door
Several authors I follow run blogs, and of those, several have been tackling political issues lately. John Scalzi – to nobody’s surprise – has been quite balanced and […]
Will the GOP denounce extremists?
Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. We can agree on this, right? I understand that your campaign and its […]
On any given (pro-life) Sunday
I hate the “pro-life” Sundays. There’s two or three of them a year, now – though one is “respect life” and another occassions Roe v. Wade. It’s not […]