Today at work, I’m not in control of the music… which means that we’re listening to a lot of pop songs from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. And […]
Free Software Activity: MPDQ, an Autoqueue client for MPD with little configuration and no reliance on external services
Update 2 Feb 2024: Check out version 2. There are a lot of ways to autoqueue or create “smart” playlists; there’s problems with all of them. I’ve completed […]
Ignore stupid “scary” music. More creepy stuff for this season.
Were there not enough spoopy sounds for you last time? Very well; let’s continue with more creepy-ass music for your amusement. First, let’s start with some game soundtracks […]
Ignore stupid “scary” music. Go for some deeply creepy stuff this season.
It is almost that most wonderful time of the year – the time when leaves fall, when mortality is evident, and children scamper oblivious collecting candy while adults […]
A song to share.
Sometimes you stumble across a song and get bowled over. A song that is beautiful and heartbreaking and still somehow courageous. It doesn’t happen very often in a […]
COLUMBUS AREA: Irish Traditional Music, Free, 1pm on 8 April 2017!
Trellis – a Columbus, Ohio based Irish traditional music band whose lead singer just happens to be a friend of mine – is having their first concert THIS […]