Do you get this error when you try to use padsp with a program that needs it? ERROR: object ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. Then […]
Markdown and Pandoc and Libreoffice Oh My! Easily swapping from markdown to libreoffice
As some folks have found out (to their consternation), I routinely use markdown to write … well, just about everything. It’s pretty simple: #This is a level one […]
Geeky things: X-Clipboard synchronization, file/mime types, and commandline uploading
Geeky things I learned recently: You can send standard output to multiple processes at the same time using tee: echo “blah” | tee >(xclip -i -s primary) >(xclip […]
Updated HTML Entities Reference using Zenity, Awk, SED.
So I made the first big change in my repository for eBook utilities in a long time, largely because I’m toying with completely changing my workflow. I used […]
Using SBaGen (or anything that uses /dev/dsp) with a 64-bit linux system and PulseAudio by Tweaking Padsp
I like SBaGen for a binaural beat white noise generator. It’s pretty cool, and cross-platform, and lets you put other soundfiles in the background. (If you’re commandline-phobic and […]
Problems Loading Crashplan GUI in Debian Jessie (or GNOME 3) on Linux
I use Crashplan now for my backup provider, and ran into a small snag while upgrading to Debian Jessie (I also use Crunchbang #!, and yes, that’s all […]