Geeky things I learned recently:
You can send standard output to multiple processes at the same time using tee:
echo “blah” | tee >(xclip -i -s primary) >(xclip -i -s clipboard)
You can find out if a file is binary using the command “file” and a simple grep operation:
binary=$(file -b $1 | grep text)
And you can find out if a file is an image using xdg-mime:
mimetype=$(xdg-mime query filetype $file| grep image)
if [ “$mimetype” = “” ]; then
echo “Not an image, skipping.”
if [ “$mimetype” = “” ]; then
echo “Not an image, skipping.”
Related: You can upload to pastebins easily using pastebinit, upload images to imgur from bash, and (woo) do screencaps and upload to imgur in one fell swoop.
Mind you, I started doing this about three hours ago. Because this scene from Malcom in the Middle is what any kind of programming is like.