It does not hold up as either a way to comfort someone or as a theological system.
discrimination / essay / homophobia / prejudice / transgender / transpeople
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Lawsuit Over Gender Affirming Care Misrepresents The Science It Cites
A lawsuit against several California health care providers dangerously misrepresents the science that it claims supports its case with possible ramifications for ALL pediatric care.
advice / essay / polyamory / relationships
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What I Learned From Being Sucker-Punched By A Brain Weasel
I was utterly taken by surprise by a brain weasel; this is how we defeated in, in detail.
advice / essay / mental health / psychology / relationships / self-doubt / society / sociology
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Groove Is In The Mind (And Behavior)
Repairing those grooves is like spackling with a spork, with no level in sight.
essay / internet / privacy / social media / technology
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I Found Everything With A First Name and Phone Number
One of the benefits of the internet is that information is *much* more accessible and easily findable than ever before. One of the worst things about the internet is that information is *much* more accessible and easily findable than ever before.
economics / essay / society
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Crunching the Numbers: Minimum wage, rent, and childcare
The situation itself is not intentional. Not fixing it is.