There’s been a lot about creepers lately in fandom – the most recent ones I linked to from my twitter account being Jim Hines’ sexual harassment policy, John […]
Sorta-Convention WrapUp (GenCon)
I really don’t like doing con reports, whether in person or in writing. There’s usually so very much going on that it’s hard to keep track and remember […]
Convention Organizers: Think of the Small Authors and Publishers
Note: This is describing a trend, not a specific convention. Dear convention organizers: As more authors are representing themselves (or are represented by small publishers like myself), please […]
FandomFest Haz A Literary Track – and I’ll be there!
FandomFest in Louisville is a huge convention, and much like GenCon and Origins, has its own literary track headed up by the incomparable Stephen Zimmer. I’ll be doing […]
One Week Until CONTEXT
I’m going to be at CONTEXT again this year, along with quite a few of my author friends (some of whom I’ve helped publish)! It’s a writing-focused convention […]
Origins on Sunday with Steve
I’m currently at Origins in Columbus – and here’s my schedule for today! When I’m not actively on a panel, I will most likely be at the Library […]