I really don’t like doing con reports, whether in person or in writing.
There’s usually so very much going on that it’s hard to keep track and remember it all. I never take enough pictures. I always forget something, or someone. And there’s things that happened that are, quite frankly, not the business of the general public, whether business related or strictly part of my personal life.
All that said, despite my own self-doubts and (lack of) ego issues, despite nearly not being able to go (thanks again to Robert Farnsworth for putting me up/putting up with me for the weekend), I’m glad I went to GenCon. It’s the only convention this year where I didn’t have a table, and honestly, I’m glad. As it was, I didn’t get to spend as much time with either the people I already knew or new friends that I made. Further, I spent most of the con overstimmed and sleepdepped, so there’s huge fuzzy foggy patches.
There are a few icebergs that break through the mental fog, and that folks in general might find useful and/or amusing. (Side note: You can follow me on Instagram, or follow my Tumblr or Flickr if you’re interested in pictures as I take them.)
Repurposing a white elephant into a display worked rather well. Even though nobody prints 3.5"x5" photos anymore, there are full-color printers.
Yes, Alasdair Stuart does sound exactly as smart and quick-witted in real life as he does with the outro of every Pseudopod episode. It was a genuine pleasure to meet him. Later, it was also delightful to introduce him and Jerry Gordon and watch them have mutual fan-boy moments. That really made my day.
There is no concrete evidence linking any author and these bananas arranged with a "Sugar Kills" pamphlet. None at all. Not a bit of evidence.
After seeing this, I know what the Nuclear Kid is going to want to do for a Halloween costume.
Klingon music is far better than Vogon poetry.
Farscape cosplay Is The Awesome. Well done indeed.
If he’s not Steampunk Santa, he frickin’ should be, bringing brass gears to all the good girls and boys.
I could totally take this dragon.
I thought this hotel was ugly and didn’t match the city and didn’t understand… up until I looked up and saw this view.
Totally unrelated to the con: I keep taking pictures of cool shoes to show my girlfriend. Which probably disconcerts the women wearing the shoes when I start ignoring any other "asset" or costume they might have in order to focus on their sneakers.
If I met you (or forgot to mention you), please leave a note in the comments. And if you managed to snap a picture of me, let me know – that way I might be able to remember more of the convention!
Also: If you signed up for the Alliteration Ink e-mail list, I will send your e-mail to the Writer’s Symposium e-mail list. If you only signed up on the Writer’s Symposium e-mail lists, I will NOT have your e-mail address for Alliteration Ink. That seemed like the best way to go about doing it, since the two signup sheets got confused by some folks. If you want to be on the Alliteration Ink e-mail list, please follow the instructions on our contact page.
Was great seeing you at Gen Con – sorry we didn't get more of a chance to chat. It was insanely busy and I'm still jet-lagged. 🙂 ~jess
I know the feeling! Isn't that ALWAYS the way with conventions? It's great to see everyone… and sucks that you don't get to see everyone for as long as you want.