Well, I might swing by as an attendee, but I’m not going to officially be doing any panels or tables. It’s a schedule conflict more than anything else. […]
The Awesome Nature of Relaxapanels
One of the things I love about genre and writing conventions are the panels. I enjoy them as an audience member, and I love it even more being […]
Social Cues, Asperger’s, and Conventions oh my!
I said something to a few people last night that wasn’t quite right. I’d like a chance to fix that now. It’s worth noting here that I’m not […]
Holy Crap I’ll be at MARCON!
Yes, MARCon is coming up, and I’ll actually be there this year! As with many of the conventions I’m attending this year, I’ll be travelling quite a bit, […]
Upcoming appearances… now in the sidebar.
I’ve been putting my upcoming appearances (conventions and the like) in a public Google calendar for a while now (XML | ICAL | HTML), but I now also […]
HOWTO Approach Someone At A Convention
I recently read Monica Valentinelli’s post about having someone ignore her at WorldCon, and I really, really hope I’ve never come across like that to you… but I […]