FandomFest in Louisville is a huge convention, and much like GenCon and Origins, has its own literary track headed up by the incomparable Stephen Zimmer. I’ll be doing […]
One Week Until CONTEXT
I’m going to be at CONTEXT again this year, along with quite a few of my author friends (some of whom I’ve helped publish)! It’s a writing-focused convention […]
Gencon, day 0
Rode up with fellow author Sarah Hans… and ended up in the Mariott with the “eye” carpets. If I remember right, this place was the genesis of the […]
GENCON 2011 – 7 days and a wakeup
Yes, GenCon is on its way. For the last several years, GenCon for me has been synonymous with The Writer’s Symposium – otherwise known as the four-day writer’s […]
Appearing at FandomFest (Louisville, KY) this weekend!
Long ago, I was stationed at Fort Knox, KY – and one of my best memories of that time is going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show […]
Voting for the Ennies
If you’re not a gamer, you may not have heard of the Ennie Awards. But they’re a big deal in the biz. I’d like to endorse a few […]