In addition to heading up programming at CONTEXT in Columbus Ohio (Sep 26-28), I’ll probably be on several panels and around and about. I’m also hard at work […]
Make Me Sing at GENCON… or KEEP me from singing at GENCON!
As Alliteration Ink, I’m one of the publishers participating in the ENnies Publisher Karaoke Fundraiser. You heard me. Karaoke. If you’re not familiar with the ENnies, let me […]
Oh, the Panels I’ll Be On!
Context, a writing convention in Columbus the last weekend this month, has just posted their preliminary programming schedule, and I’ve gotten my assignments for panels, all of which […]
CONTEXT 25 – 28-30 in Columbus Ohio
If you’ve not yet registered for CONTEXT – a writing/genre convention in Columbus, OH at the end of this month, there’s still time! As they put it: Context […]
Lightest GenCon Schedule EVAH.
GenCon Indy is primarily known as a gaming convention, and rightfully so. There’s thousands of gamers, thousands of games, and just everything you might ever think of around […]
My Schedule at FandomFest
Yes, folks, this weekend I should be at FandomFest (I’m writing this on Wednesday) barring some other kind of insanity plaguing me. (Seriously, this has been a jacked-up month […]