If you’re not a gamer, you may not have heard of the Ennie Awards. But they’re a big deal in the biz.
I’d like to endorse a few products and people when you’re voting (which you can do here. This is not a comprehensive list, but my recommendations. You do not have to register for anything in order to vote. You do not have to be attending GenCon in order to vote
Eoris Essence – Best Cover Art and Interior Art (seriously, look at the website)
Shanghai Vampocalypse – Best Electronic Book
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook – Best Game
Happy Birthday Robot! – Best New Game
BattleTech 25th Anniversary Introductory Boxed Set – Best RPG related product
You can also vote for next year’s judges. I would highly recommend these individuals:
Matt Muth
James Surano
Jody Klein
Kennan Bauman
Thanks, now go vote!