In addition to heading up programming at CONTEXT in Columbus Ohio (Sep 26-28), I’ll probably be on several panels and around and about. I’m also hard at work making sure there’s a strong series of panels there for everyone to enjoy.
And I know I’ll be at Millennicon in March of 2014.
And yes, I’m also going to be joining people at The Imaginarium the weekend before. It’s going to be a busy year – I’m just getting started making plans.
Actually, I’m probably going to do a lot more panel appearances in the area in 2014. However I’ll probably only be at each event for a day, maybe a day and a half. So please plan ahead – there’s a lot of great conventions this year.
One note for the people who ran into me at GenCon and Origins last year: At this time, I do not have plans to attend either of those conventions. I might drop in at Origins, but again, as of right now I’m not scheduled for anything there.
One of the things I keep thinking about is the price of conventions. It’s a great part of why I’m pushing CONTEXT. It delivers a LOT more than it should be able to with the cost of admission, and definitely costs less than a big gaming-focused convention. Addie J. King wrote up how she was able to attend (two years ago) on a serious budget; it’s a great example. And while I highly recommend the long workshops, it’s a top priority for me to ensure that the panels alone are worth your time and money… and then you can be wowed by the workshops.
One other tip: You might also want to consider volunteering for the conventions you want to attend. For a bit of work before (or during) the convention, you may be able to get a significant reduction in the ticket price.
Carpool, share a hotel room, book early (many conventions have “early bird” rates going on right now), and you can make it to those conventions without breaking the budget.