I like giving birthday cards. Even to people I don’t care for. And anniversary cards. And other random cards to people just because I can (though these last […]
Newsflash: Being Sarcastic Can Backfire
This is a more informal version of a real letter I wrote today. To the interpreter from 23 April: I’m sorry I don’t know your name. I would […]
Getting It Done… Without Statistics
“But we managed to get it done, right?” I did manage to take care of the customer – through a combination of luck, skill, hand gestures, and their […]
Housing, Transportation, and the future
As I argued back in 2005, the housing market is going kerpuffle. No surprise there. But what’s *next*? I have had a couple of quick predictions that are […]
Random Thoughts
“Oooh, Obama was on the Daily Show last night! I bet that means it’s on BitTorrent now!” “If you’re going to bill yourself as a one-stop-shopping place, then […]
In Defense of Consciousness
A strict biological point of view skids quickly into pure determinism, and there isn’t much of a way around it. It is even possible to dismiss consciousness as […]