I’ve written a brief (100 word) story today. Nothing new here (you *DID* vote for your favorite story at the Weekly Challenge, right?). But unlike the last few, […]
The Singularity According To Marx
Sociological Theory: Classic Statements is a fascinating book. Yeah, I understand that it may not seem that way from the title. Don’t let that stand in the way […]
Where's the privacy statement?
This program sounds like any number of “preferred shopper” programs – like those at Kroger or other grocery stores. What is conspicuously absent, however, is the privacy information. […]
Apes socialize gender roles. So do monkeys.
Today I was catching up on Quirks and Quarks, and heard a psychiatrist talk about the study he had done on rhesus monkeys. The jist of the study […]
Weekly Challenge #106 – Cereal
You will, of course, swing by 100 Word Stories for this week’s weekly challenge? I’m in it again (as Steven the Nuclear Man). Please vote for all the […]
My Heart Could Power A Rave
Of course, that would be so 1997 of me, wouldn’t it? Still, it was cool to hear blood flowing through my heart – and with my heartrate somewhere […]