You are only as human as your models. I have to apologize to Maura; she sent me a copy of George Herbert Mead’s Mind, Self and Society, and […]
Social fist-jabs
I continue to be appalled at the sheer amounts of intolerance that swirls around me. It is frightening how much it has become part of the social handshaking […]
I'll Pencil You In
I’m glad to announce that I have an article in the current issue of Teaching/Learning Matters, the American Sociological Association’s Newsletter for the Section On Teaching and Learning […]
Are You FULLY Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse
If you have been paying any attention, you will have noticed that current theories of Zombification have moved from the supernatural to the viral. In fact (though it’s […]
Transitional Times, Transitional People
In texts about race and minority relations (including feminism), there was only one that really made a solid attempt at envisioning a post-oppression world. Paradoxes of Gender, by […]
Tooting my own horn
I’m among this list of winners and honorable mentions, so hooray on me. Of course, I’ll link to the full text once it’s up. The winners of the […]