There is a downside to the concept of listening to everyone – sometimes the professionals know better. It is fashionable to bash “professionals” for thinking they know better […]
Connecting dots
Feeling powerless leads to expensive purchases | Science Blog Feeling powerless can trigger strong desires to purchase products that convey high status, according to new research in the […]
Aren't you creative too?
There is a pernicious (dammit, I *will* say pernicious as much as I want!) assumption that goes along with any discussion of the creative class. It’s the assumption […]
How to avoid making an economist's mistake
A recent Economist magazine has a wonderful throwaway note that illustrates all that is wrong with economists in general. (How much of a throwaway quote? Enough so that […]
Bonus Story!
My wife had (minor) surgery today, but never let it be said that I gave you nothing as a filler post! Yes, today I have for you the […]
Dragon, Piñata, Handbook
The weekly challenge this week was (I kid you not) “What would you do if you found yourself face to face with a dragon and all you had […]