Suddenly, a shotgun is not enough.
I must admit, I have taken the Zombie Apocalypse a little seriously around here. [Insert joke about Ohio/West Virginia/Kentucky/Indiana here.] With this development, I have to present to you: The Anti Zombie Hood!
This stylish hood, here modeled by
a conveniently slow “volunteer” the finest in male models, features HEPA filtration without limiting vision. Why, in this example I am able to see both of
my co-workers these zombies mocking me. But with my clear vision, I would be able to strike back while maintaining my virus-free state!What’s that, you say?
Co-worker a zombie behind me? Note the lightweight construction of this filter! It would barely hamper my waddling lithe and suave movement!
You could be a victim of the Zombie Apocalypse if you don’t send me money right now!
And, maybe get yourself one of these hoods in addition. And a shotgun. And shovel. And a towel. Definitely a towel.