Advice for When You Start To Establish Boundaries With A Narcissist
(or someone with narcissistic behaviors)
Your narcissist will never stop pushing your boundaries.
You will never surrender enough.
You will never give up enough.
You will never be small enough or quiet enough or inoffensive enough.
They are going to do the thing you fear.
Especially if you keep enforcing your boundaries.
Then they’re going to do the thing you fear.
But even if you stop, if you give in, get rid of your boundaries… They are still going to do the thing that you fear. The other shoe WILL drop.
And that’s why you should have hope.
Your narcissist is going to do the thing you fear… No matter what you do.
So that means you no longer have to worry.
That shoe is going to drop regardless.
You know what is going to happen, and can plan accordingly.
Might as well make it worth it, and keep your boundaries where they are.
Featured Photo by Raphael Renter on Unsplash