patootie – a simple GUI for posting to Mastodon using toot and YAD

I wrote a little script to give me a minimal GUI when posting to Mastodon which I call patootie.


Because sometimes you want a GUI and the speed of a command line, and just want to say something stupid on Mastodon without firing up a browser or Sengi or grabbing your phone, or or or…

So I made patootie.

patootie uses YAD and toot to have a GUI for sending a quick toot with possible image attachments, content warnings, and alt text. The script Includes interactive image selector and displaying the image while you are presented with a dialogue box to enter alt text.

Patootie uses the environment variable TOOTACCT to specify the tooting account otherwise it uses whichever one is currently active in toot.

You may specify the full path to an image file as the first (and only) command-line variable to "pre-load" the image attachment portion of the script.

You can find patootie on GitHub, GitLab, or my personal git repository in the multiple_scripts repository.

Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay