The simple three-step plan to being a man in today’s world.

Fellow men!

If you’re confused about your place in the world in the era, if you’re worried about whether you can flirt with a woman, if you don’t know if you can speak without falling afoul of the “politically correct” crowd, worry no more!

I have a simple, three-step plan for you to navigate the world in this brave new world – and I’ll share it with you for the low, low price of free.

  1. Be as kind as you possibly can. For example, call people the name (and pronouns) they want to be called, the same way you’d call anyone else the name they wanted to be called.
  2. Admit your mistakes instead of doubling down about why you think it wasn’t a mistake.  Listen to the reasons given why it was a mistake, and learn from them.
  3. Be a better person.

With this simple (though not always easy) three-part plan, you too can navigate the modern world with panache and grace as a real man.

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