Some stories only become all the more powerful when updated to the modern day. As does the real evil behind the stories.
essay / philosophy / science / science fiction
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The Inevitable Fragility Of Time Loops
A lot of time travel in fiction has an inevitable conclusion. Also, thinking about time travel too hard hurts.
minecraft / music / review
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Tightwire & Teenage Bottlerocket @ Preserving Underground Was A Kick-Ass Show.
I came for Teenage Bottlerocket, I stayed for Tripwire in a pop-punk extravaganza.
movies / neurospicy / review
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Neurospicy Movie Triple Feature: Asteroid City, No Hard Feelings, And Corner Office
Three VERY different movies that all have one common thread. Spoilers for Asteroid City, No Hard Feelings, and Corner Office.
movies / relationships / review
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The Toxic Past — And Better Present — Of Rom-Coms, Featuring “Love And Monsters” and “No Hard Feelings”
The stories that we tell ourselves matter. Including rom-coms.
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Recommendation: A Powerful, Inexpensive, Quiet USB-Powered Fan
I’ve tried a number of USB fans, and this one kicks ass.