I wrote a small script for showing a “now playing” display for MPD!
bash / linux / programming
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A TMUX Devours A Bar
If you use TMUX, you probably want to take a quick look at this post. 🙂
mpd / programming
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Updates to MPDQ (automagic playlists for the Music Player Daemon)
Two very nice QoL tweaks to my script that automatically creates diverse playlists for MPD.
linux / mpd
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Simple Smart Playlists for MPD (that work!)
A smart playlist creator for MPD that is lightweight, self contained, and works, written in BASH.
bash / linux / programming
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Clean URLs (And More) With This Bash Script
This bash script will take an URL, follow any redirects, and if it didn’t exist, see if it had been archived by the Internet Archive and return that link instead.
linux / programming
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Agaetr and Orindi – Working With RSS, email, and social media
Two projects I’ve coded: one transforms RSS into social media posts, the other transforms emails into webpages and RSS feeds.