With various services shutting down their public/free APIs, my various weather scripts stopped working. So I wrote some.
linux / programming
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Running multiple Dropbox accounts simultaneously on a headless Linux server (with tmux or screen)
While I was setting up my home server, I realized that it would make sense to have both my and my sweetie’s Dropbox accounts sync to that machine […]
linux / mpd / programming
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Playing with MPD – covers in the terminal and easy selection from the commandline
I wrote a script that lets you control the most basic MPD playing – playing specific albums, artists, and genres – easily from the commandline.
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Scripts and Utilities to Make Newsbeuter a Console Replacement For Google Reader
tl;dr: I created some utilities for Newsbeuter, a console-based RSS reader, so that it gives me the social options I want and need in a light newsreader. You might find them useful too.
linux / technology
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Windows programs in WINE
For those of us who are switching to linux, there are often quite a few programs that we want or need to keep. WINE now works great for […]