This land, with all its faults and flaws, is made for you and me.
Liberals can’t afford a truce in the culture war.
I said this in 2012; six years and the current administration seems to prove me right. Liberals winning the culture war is the same net effect as a […]
Review: Freedom of the press means the freedom to criticize and oppose.
I saw The Post last weekend, and I’m glad I did, though it wasn’t my choice. It is a (sadly) timely film, depicting the (true) story of how […]
TELL EVERYONE: If you’re not freaking out about Net Neutrality, you’re not paying attention.
Imagine your grocery store only carried the brand of soda (or bread or soup or…) you hated. Or, worse, they’d let you get the kind you wanted – […]
ACT NOW to preserve the freedom of the Internet. (Yes, YOU)
TODAY (12 July) is the Internet-wide day of action to support Net Neutrality. It doesn’t matter what your politics, views, or lifestyle is; you want net neutrality. Help […]
Internet Day of Action for Net Neutrality is TOMORROW (12 July)
Tomorrow (12 July) is the Internet-wide day of action to support Net Neutrality. It doesn’t matter what your politics, views, or lifestyle is; you want net neutrality. Help […]