This weekend, I was at a local author’s and artists event. Other than knowing I’d have five minutes to speak, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Despite the […]
Writing Your Author Bio – An Exercise in Extremely Short Promotion
It doesn’t seem like it should be a big deal. But it is. Your bio – which will appear in program guides, anthologies, and after magazine articles, should […]
Write How You Like, but Know How Other People Do It Too
I usually write in plain text. A space between paragraphs. No indents – not by tabs, not automatically, and not by hitting the space bar 3, 5, or […]
The Five Books That Changed My Life (wherein I cheat mercilessly)
In another one of those “tagged in a post” things, Graham Storrs long ago tagged me to write a post about five books that most influenced me. I’m […]
My Next Big Thing – Mark and Sylvia
I’m horrible at blog hops and tagging and so on. I tend to write blog posts in big blasts (usually a week or two worth at a time) […]
Dealing With the “Professional” Problem (or: The Inadequacy of Labeling)
“Professional” is really slippery word. Folks fight bitterly for the right to be termed a “professional”. My “day job” profession fought for years to be called “technologist” instead […]