I didn’t “win” NaNoWriMo. Not in the predefined sense of fifty thousand words over the course of a month. Not even close. I was on track for quite […]
The Warp Drive That Explodes Planets: Turning Plot Problems Into Opportunties
Science fiction has the very real problem of having to deal with… well, the real world. Even if you’re writing a "soft" space opera, if you set it […]
Cross-Platform Scripts to Create Time/Date Stamped Versions of Your Files For Collaborative Work (with GUI options!)
Summary: A set of scripts (one for *nix and OS X, one for Windows) that create a time-date stamped copy of any file from the commandline. Lots of […]
Can You Help Me Diagnose a Writing Issue?
I’ll admit, I didn’t outline a thing when it came to my NaNoWriMo novel. Not. A. Bit. Which has been good to me so far – twists and […]
NaNoWriMo Advice and Recommendations
I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this year, because dammit, while I love my short stories and my flash fiction, I’ve got a couple of novels that I know I […]
How Much of What You Write Is Real? Examining “Memories of Light and Sound”
(Note: Some small spoilers for the story, and my last comment won’t make sense if you’ve not read or heard the story, so you might want to check […]