I usually write in plain text.
A space between paragraphs. No indents – not by tabs, not automatically, and not by hitting the space bar 3, 5, or 7 times. I might use something like Markdown or RTF if I need some formatting.
If I’m interested in version control I use my version script or git.
At least one author I know visibly twitches when I mention this. They use Word exclusively. They use track changes, and the newest format of .docx (and I think they’re waiting for .docY).
An editor pal prefers LibreOffice and other FOSS tools. Another person swears by Scrivener for the simplest document. Another uses Google Docs.
And so on.
Here’s the important things for you, the author and editor, to know:
1. Use the tools and workflow that help you get done.
2. Know how to make your tool output something that your editor (or your authors) can work with.
Yes, that means that you need to have access to multiple tools. You need to spend enough time with the tools others use to be able to translate and adapt to what the people you’re working with are comfortable using… when it comes time to work with them.
Who knows. Maybe you’ll find a new way of doing things that works even better for you.