Multi-arch can be a real pain in the rear sometimes.
computers / internet / technology
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Use Your Homelab and Selfhosting Skills For Good
If you have the knowledge, use it for the good of your local community.
internet / privacy / security / technology
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How To Quickly Up Your Privacy Game On The Internet This Afternoon
A non-comprehensive list aimed at regular users to quickly get up to speed.
internet / privacy / security / technology
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How You Can Help Take Action AND Increase Your Own Privacy
Here’s one thing you can definitely do, especially if you’re just a “regular” person.
essay / internet / privacy / social media / technology
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I Found Everything With A First Name and Phone Number
One of the benefits of the internet is that information is *much* more accessible and easily findable than ever before. One of the worst things about the internet is that information is *much* more accessible and easily findable than ever before.
computers / internet / linux / security / technology
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HOWTO Secure and Share Your Internet on “Free” Wireless WiFi
Restrictive “free” WiFi can leave you *less* secure and your devices not working. Here’s how to fix both problems simultaneously.