Job hunters need to be particularly careful these days to avoid identity theft.
kpf – KeepassXC With fzf in Bash
TL;DR: Using fzf, you can get your passwords out of your Keepass database from the commandline easily with this script.
How To Have A Free (Or Very Low Cost) Synchronized Cross Platform Password Manager
Well over 60% of all hacks and breaches are the result of weak, stolen, default (or reused) passwords. Do you really want to be part of that statistic?
Social Engineering – It can happen to you!
Someone just tried to phish security information via social engineering at work. The caller said: “I’m from the Upper Valley Installation Center and we’re trying to install Allscripts […]
You need a password manager if you want to be safe online – and probably one you control
I heard one of the more ignorant things last week: A guy told me that he preferred a closed-source, commercial password manager instead of an open source one […]
Brain Weasels: Jargon That Does Double Duty
Brain weasels, linguistically, are their own entities. By naming them as something other than your sweetie, you’ve managed to address the problematic behavior without actually blaming the person.