Until we hold religious entities to the same standards as the secular ones, grifters and scammers will continue to prey on the religious.
politics / pro-life / protest / religion
Posted on:
My Biblical Message For Pro-Life Sunday
Repent, go home, and leave people alone.
Posted on:
The Problem With Being “Saved”
You can’t just ignore the beam in your own eye, even after you’ve been “washed in the blood of the Lamb”.
health care / healthcare / religion
Posted on:
Personally Witnessing Medical Injustice
The injustice of healthcare in the US often takes place quietly. Do not look away.
Posted on:
Without Doubt, There Is No Faith
There’s a story about a missionary who got mugged in the Big City. And it gets the idea of faith all kinds of wrong.
religion / society
Posted on:
Missing the Reason For the Season
Faith is the reason for the season, but probably not the way you think.