Brain weasels, linguistically, are their own entities. By naming them as something other than your sweetie, you’ve managed to address the problematic behavior without actually blaming the person.
Sometimes You Can Overcorrect: Objectification Ain’t The Answer To Institutional Racism
So first, let me share this video with you. It’s called “Sexual Racism”, and was sparked by a question on a Q/A panel: Someone from the audience asked […]
Are You Built For Monogamy, Or Should You Trust An Expert Outside of Their Field? (ATTN @drroshiniraj )
“Mashable Watercooler” posted a video today called “Are You Built For Monogamy?”. The whole thing is crap. Dr. Roshini Raj (the presenter) is a board certified gastroenterologist. Which […]
Let’s stop calling everyone narcissists, sociopaths, etc.
There are trends in relationship-land. It’s not surprising; humans are great at pattern-recognition. We love models that provide explanations. We love labels that reduce people into easily-predictable stereotypes. […]
Understanding and forgiveness are two way streets. Unless you’re a jerk.
I said it before, and I stand by it: the most important question on OKCupid is Would you rather date someone who almost never made a mistake but […]
Even if it’s not a “fuck yes”, it damn well still better be a yes.
I have had to remind people – women, let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that it’s only been women – that “marital rape” is both morally and legally […]