Do you want to know why there’s those stupid bureaucratic rules that seem redundant and assume that you’ve got the brains of a two-year old? (No offense to […]
The dawning of a new age…
Many of my co-workers (within my department) commute. Only I live within the actual city limits of my workplace. I live about four miles away. The one other […]
The Singularity According To Marx
Sociological Theory: Classic Statements is a fascinating book. Yeah, I understand that it may not seem that way from the title. Don’t let that stand in the way […]
Newsflash: Being Sarcastic Can Backfire
This is a more informal version of a real letter I wrote today. To the interpreter from 23 April: I’m sorry I don’t know your name. I would […]
Housing, Transportation, and the future
As I argued back in 2005, the housing market is going kerpuffle. No surprise there. But what’s *next*? I have had a couple of quick predictions that are […]
Random Thoughts
“Oooh, Obama was on the Daily Show last night! I bet that means it’s on BitTorrent now!” “If you’re going to bill yourself as a one-stop-shopping place, then […]