Another old paper from my Race and Minority Relations class. This was a kind of “response paper” – just a general reflection on what we had gone over […]
What’s Race Got To Do With It
I stumbled across some old bits from my “Race and Minority Relations” class. (Old bits. Heh. Five months old – it feels like forever…) Anyway, one of the […]
Theorist Trap
It seems that theorists – particularly in the social sciences, but not exclusively – have a particularly insidious trap laid for them. This trap seems to have caught […]
Nyquil ™ Zombie
There is a kind of desperate madness that overtakes one when one begins to penetrate the veil. It is the madness alluded to by Lovecraft, al-Hazred, and boilerplate […]
Anger, Diplomacy, and Hurting America
In brief reply to Melissa McEwan’s assertion that anger is understandable – and even necessary for change. (It probably isn’t directed at me, but I’m sure someone could […]
The Greatest Good
Bjorn Lomberg has a brilliant essay up on Project Syndicate. In it, he argues that the Kyoto protocol (and upcoming agreements) are a lot of expense for little […]