I tend to believe in a meritocracy. The American Ruling Class claims that a meritocracy was how the powers-that-be perpetuate themselves, but I do not think that’s the […]
Portrait of the Writer as a Classist Young Man
It was only after I had roundly mocked the student’s report that my prof pointed it out: “It’s because of their social class.” My wife has occassionally let […]
Echoes of Prejudice
Embedded in – but rarely resolved by – every revolutionary movement is the transition problem. Though this can include hypocritical leaders selling out revolutionary ideology (see: Stalin, Lenin, […]
There is nothing left to see.
In Serenity, the Operative is an otherwise nameless government agent set on stopping the rather protagonists. The relative merits of the systems – the Alliance’s bureaucratic control vs. […]
When NPR gave me culture shock
It’s been crazy-making busy, so I present you with… another response paper like this one and this one. I’m tempted to rewrite the last paragraph. Identity politics is […]
Shaped Freedom
A recent article: “The freedom to say ‘no’” from the Boston Globe makes a startling assertion. The first few paragraphs state that women aren’t in certain “hard” sciences […]