The oliphaunts were taking the field, and the Riders of Rohan trembled once again. The odds, seemingly insurmountable, had been beaten the first time. Would they do so […]
A public service announcement
I cannot believe that the “confederate flag” issue still exists. It just utterly surprises me that there’s anything to still argue about. So let’s get this straight, folks. […]
Adoption and acquescing to racists
As an aside, Resist Racism has some great (and by great, I mean tragic and horrible) examples of the other side of the interracial adoption issue – the […]
Words matter
Words matter. Obviously we believe this – even as we deny that it doesn’t matter to ourselves individually. We buy into (and pay attention to) advertising campaigns – […]
Two Thoughts on Wall*E
Short Answer: A-. Great movie, some obesity issues that may make things unpleasant, depending on your take. Mild to moderate spoilerage ahead about Wall*E, so You Have Been […]