I cannot believe that the “confederate flag” issue still exists. It just utterly surprises me that there’s anything to still argue about.
So let’s get this straight, folks.
The rectangular “rebel” flag is not *the* Confederate flag, nor is it *the* Confederate “battle flag”. It most closely resembles a naval flag used by the Confederacy or the *square* battle flag used by *some* units. As it exists today, it is a late 19th to 20th century creation. It never represented the Confederacy. Therefore, it cannot represent anyone’s “Confederate heritage”. It celebrates racism, not history. (Source: Both wikipedia and Cecil Adams)
If you want to celebrate your “Confederate heritage” (though, well, why I don’t know), then you should fly an actual flag of the Confederacy, which you can find images of at Wikipedia.
As it stands, these “confederate flags” are simply symbols of racism. The lack of actual historical knowledge expressed by its proponents dishonors both themselves and the heritage they claim to have so much pride in.