A lot of my discussions with people this month have centered around changing things – or people – for the better. Hell, see that last blog post, where […]
Thanksgiving Burden
The cool November wind touches me, whipping the cigarette smoke around me. Inside, like in so many other rooms, a bird is sacrificed to a legend of cooperation. […]
Political Correctness is Useless
Political Correctness is crap. It’s done. It’s over. No, really. It is. Read on. I remember when the phrase first popped up, and I should have realized it […]
Racism is funny, because we’re past that, right?
Because once again, I got to hear that since there isn’t much Archie Bunkerism in the world today, stereotypical racist cartoons are just innocent fun. (“It was from […]
An unheld hand
The nurse did not hold the second patient’s hand. I watched the nurses. I paid attention as the patients came through their department. I watched the tests, watched […]
Trained to take it personally
You know what RACEFAIL is, right? (If you don’t, I suggest these two posts from Whatever to get a grip on the issues) There’s three main reasons I’m […]