Some brilliant images explaining white privilege (about as well as the Invisible Knapsack, IMHO) got posted to Buzzfeed about three days ago. You can still seem them right […]
Silence Is Assent: This is Still A Segregated Country
If you don’t speak about the problem, you are part of the problem. Data is from The Racial Dot Map
An Open Letter to The Men In Genre Fandom
[Full disclosure – I am a member of SFWA and have written articles for the SFWA Bulletin. In fact, I should have an article in the next one.] […]
I Don’t Want (or Deserve) Your Cookie For My Personal Examples
Actively supporting equality doesn’t deserve praise the same way that being a toilet-trained adult doesn’t deserve praise.
Writing the Other: Taking a Lesson from Les blanches exotiques
I’ve been following Les blanches exotiques for a few weeks now. It’s usually hilarious (to me) because it’s so damn spot-on. It also flips the discrimination narrative in […]
Whitewashing Racism, or the Inerrancy of the Founding Fathers Is Crap
Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder’s Slave-Owning History Yes, that’s for real. One quote (emphasis mine): “No portrayal of minority experience in the history […]