Comedians have wondered who they will mock if when Sen. Obama wins the Presidency. Bush has been a godsend for them. Who will they mock next? I believethis […]
Shifting the Definition of Greed
Yesterday, Sen. McCain made an interesting comment. He claimed that the definition of “rich keeps creeping down.” I don’t think someone who owns more houses than he has […]
Principles of Politics
I had a political discussion at work today. I didn’t want to. I tend to be overbearing and info-dumpy when it comes to politics, and I didn’t think […]
Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion: A Manifesto
It is difficult to get a simple issue to fit into a soundbite. Even Jesus’ two greatest commandments required some commentary when another asked "Who’s my neighbor?" So […]
Where I slam it in the car door
Several authors I follow run blogs, and of those, several have been tackling political issues lately. John Scalzi – to nobody’s surprise – has been quite balanced and […]
Will the GOP denounce extremists?
Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. We can agree on this, right? I understand that your campaign and its […]