Comedians have wondered who they will mock if when Sen. Obama wins the Presidency. Bush has been a godsend for them. Who will they mock next? I believe
this man may be the answer to their prayers.
A Warren County judge will decide whether Sen. Barack Obama’s name can appear on Ohio election ballots after listening Thursday, Oct. 30, to a Turtlecreek Twp. man’s claim that the Democratic candidate is not a U.S. citizen and cannot be elected president. ..Neal wants a court order to remove Obama’s name from ballots to be used in the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Yes, I know we’ve all heard this before. And that it’s been roundly debunked, since Sen Obama’s Certification of Live Birth was released and put on the internet.. But wait – what new information does this man have?
In his lawsuit and during the hearing, Neal cited numerous Web sites as sources of information to challenge Obama’s birthplace.
Because, as you know, the Internet is never wrong.
Well, at least this man has a reputable business…
Neal said he owns a company that sells products to help users of illegal drugs pass employers’ drug screenings.
Comedians have NOTHING to worry about. Nothing.
(Side note: Snopes article – shockingly, on a web site – pointing out how much of an idiot this guy is.)